From Sunday's Sermon:
Beware of an evil, unbelieving heart that pulls us away from God and ultimately hinders our entering into God's promised rest. Instead, let's cheer one another along, always reminding each other of that deceitfulness of sin and the faithfulness of God.
This Sunday's Sermon continues our Fall Series: The Glory of Being God's People with a sermon from Hebrews 3:7-4:3a entitled, "Experiencing the PROMISES of God."
Ever feel like you’re stuck on the never-ending wheel of life? The harder you try, the behind-er you get. Do you need a rest? Here is the GOOD NEWS, God has given us a promised rest. But there is a catch … you have to work to reach it. But this is not a physical or mental work. It is the work of believing in His Promise – Jesus – and finding rest in Him.